“I’m not a billionaire.”
Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 03, 2019
Every four years there comes a very important time for every Conservative American. It has to do with the Democratic National Convention leading-up to the Presidential election.
What happens is a number of people throw their hats in the ring as an announcement that they want to be the next President of the United States.
This group varies in size. Generally the number goes up very quickly as every Amy, Andrew, Bernie, Corey, Devai, Elizabeth, Kamala, Marianne, Michael (2), Joe, John, Julian, Pete, Tom, and Tulsi jump-on the bandwagon.
Then there begins to be an exodus as folks bail-out. As of yesterday 14 have abandoned their seats on the White House Express and this is the important event mentioned above. . . The Bail-Out!
When the idea of the possibility of one of these individuals becoming the President sinks-in it usually causes a measurable amount of angst. So, when one drops-out it is kind of good news.
Kamala Harris, the Obama look-alike, just today announced she is getting-off at the next stop! Apparently, the straw that broke the Kamala’s back was that she is NOT A BILLIONAIRE?.