Here is the text of the Democrat’s email that just went-out to ALL their subscribers. Notice the spin they put on it (I made the text bold).

The White House just confirmed Donald Trump will declare a national emergency because Congress didn’t give him the money he demanded for his ineffective border wall.

In doing so, not only will he violate hundreds of years of constitutional norms, he will once again choose to put families at risk with his unsound immigration policies. This declaration is an affront to our values as a nation — and further proof that we simply cannot risk four more years under Trump.

There’s never been a more important time to show you stand with Democrats. Make a $3 donation right now to elect Democrats who will put a check on Trump, his dangerous administration, and Republicans up and down the ballot who enable his agenda.”

“Ineffective” they say? I guess it is ineffective to build a wall if your objective is to allow anyone and everyone to cross freely.

“. . .violate Constitutional norms. . .” they say? It is the Constitution itself that gives the President the right to do what President Trump just did. Hardly a violation, more like complete compliance.

“. . .put families at risk. . .” they say? It is the absence of a wall that is putting American citizens at risk. The wall will eliminate the risk.

“. . . unsound immigration policies. . .” they say? What could be more unsound than the policy the Democrats want to follow?

“. . an affront to our values. . .” they say? I guess building a wall is an affront to those who want to turn a blind eye to felons, terrorists, gang members, and such as they pour into the U.S.

” [Trump’s] dangerous administration.” they say? Reducing danger is dangerous? That’s nonsense.

Crossing the border North-to-South is not easy


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