Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 08, 2018

Well, the Dark Side choked in their effort to return America to the death spiral we were in when Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Hussein Obama) finished his historic 8-year contribution to the Socialist/Globalist agenda.

Americans who cared enough to vote–God bless them– gave the House majority back to the Clinton/Obama party . . . but, far more importantly, they gave the President an even bigger majority in the Senate– God bless the voters!

Every Democrat who voted against SCOTUS Justice Kavanaugh was defeated in their bid for reelection! That brings us to the point of this post.

Liberal Leftist Loony Tune (pardon the redundancy) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg apparently “stayed woke” long enough to try walking and it ended badly. She fell and broke some ribs (her ribs), more HERE.

After 25 years on the Court (thanks to her nomination by Hillary’s husband Slick Willie Clinton)  Ruth has begun to have trouble staying awake. She is 85 years-old.

[Ginsburg napping  [not dead] during the 2018 State if the Union address]

So, what if we need a replacement for the ailing, aged, A.D.D. Justice? Based on last Tuesday’s voting, it is political suicide to oppose confirmation of a SCOTUS nominee.

President Trump could nominate Avenatti, the Creepy Porn Lawyer, who just wrapped-up his 15 minutes of fame in the Kavanaugh confirmation debacle, and he would probably be confirmed.

Let’s watch.



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