Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 01, 2018

Rachel Mitchell, the Republican’s choice to cross-examine the woman who claim s Brett Kavanaugh  sexually molested her 37 years ago, has filed her final assessment

Here is part of it . . .

“While Ford superficially was “credible” in the sense that she came across as believing what she said, her own story relied on four other people being present that night at the house. All four of those people have denied any memory or knowledge of the party. To me that’s fatal to Ford’s story.”

So, are the Democrats satisfied, and can we move-on? Oh no. They say they will impeach Kavanaugh if their accusations all fail to disqualify him! They don’t care about having an actual basis for disqualification.

The Left does not want Brett Kavanaugh on the supreme Court, no matter what, and they are doing ANYTHING, legal, ethical, and proper or not, to keep him off. That is tyranny.



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