Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 03, 2018

The mission of _____ is to protect America from all threats to national security and public safety represented by cross-border crime and illegal immigration.

_______ enforces 400+ federal statutes, i.e. The Law, dealing with terrorism and the illegal movement of people and goods into America.

The correct name in the blank is Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Globalist/Socialist/Liberal/Democrat forces in America want to ABOLISH ICE! They want to stop enforcing the 400+ laws which exist to protect America from very real outside threats.

Democrat voters have already demonstrated their intention by choosing a Socialist candidate who advocates for the abolishing of ICE.

Vote against Democrats (aka Socialist/Liberal/Globalists) in the soon coming mid-term elections. Make America great again!



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