Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 01, 2018

If a Liberal from back in the Sixties appeared Today, they would be considered a Conservative. . . if a Liberal from Today appeared back in the Sixties they would be considered a dangerous lunatic. — Dixon Diaz 2017

I wish the FBI was as good at protecting school children as they are at protecting Hillary and Obama.Dad’s Deadpool

About the NFL’s zealous defense of player’s rights of free speech [from R. Jackson, Melbourne]:

  • In 2012 Tim Tebow was forced to stop putting “John 3:16” on his under-eye glare block.
  • In 2013 Brandon Marshall was fined for wearing green cleats to raise awareness of mental health issues.
  • In 2014 Robert Griffin III was forced to turn his shirt inside out before appearing on a post-game TV interview. The shirt bore the phrase”Know Jesus, Know Peace”.
  • In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for having the phrase “Find the Cure” (for breast cancer) on his glare block.
  • In 2016 the Dallas Cowboys were not allowed to wear purple cleats to raise awareness of domestic abuse.
  • In 2016 players who intended to wear special colored cleats to remember the 15th anniversary of 9-11 were threatened with disciplinary measures.

Registered, legal gun owners in the United States possess about 300 million firearms and easily at least a few hundred rounds of ammunition for each one. So, if these folks were the dangerous, trouble-making kind, wouldn’t we know it?




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