Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 01, 2018
If a Liberal from back in the Sixties appeared Today, they would be considered a Conservative. . . if a Liberal from Today appeared back in the Sixties they would be considered a dangerous lunatic. — Dixon Diaz 2017
I wish the FBI was as good at protecting school children as they are at protecting Hillary and Obama.— Dad’s Deadpool
About the NFL’s zealous defense of player’s rights of free speech [from R. Jackson, Melbourne]:
- In 2012 Tim Tebow was forced to stop putting “John 3:16” on his under-eye glare block.
- In 2013 Brandon Marshall was fined for wearing green cleats to raise awareness of mental health issues.
- In 2014 Robert Griffin III was forced to turn his shirt inside out before appearing on a post-game TV interview. The shirt bore the phrase”Know Jesus, Know Peace”.
- In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for having the phrase “Find the Cure” (for breast cancer) on his glare block.
- In 2016 the Dallas Cowboys were not allowed to wear purple cleats to raise awareness of domestic abuse.
- In 2016 players who intended to wear special colored cleats to remember the 15th anniversary of 9-11 were threatened with disciplinary measures.
Registered, legal gun owners in the United States possess about 300 million firearms and easily at least a few hundred rounds of ammunition for each one. So, if these folks were the dangerous, trouble-making kind, wouldn’t we know it?