Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 25, 2018
The Leftists don’t talk about much other than President Trump and how awful he is.
OK. So they are running against a guy they think is terrible. We get it. That has happened before, but what hasn’t happened before is a major political campaign run entirely without at least a basic outline of what voters are being offered.
What the Left is forgetting to advertise is called a “platform” made-up of a bunch of “planks”.
In the absence of Democrat revelation here’s a meme that illustrates the historic Platform of Universal Democrat Standards (PUDS) decorated with a mug shot of their House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. . .
Register and vote against the policies we know will result if Democrats win the mid-terms in November, just 4-months away!
Vote for candidates who do not oppose Free Enterprise, Less Government, Individual Freedom, Traditional American Values, Secure Borders, and Strong National Defense.