Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 23, 2018

To get the masses to perceive something in a certain way is easy because they don’t check the facts. They can be duped by false information which only appears to be true.

It’s a time-proven behavior modification/control technique commonly called propaganda.

Places like Russia and N.Korea use propaganda to control their populations. . . but free countries don’t, right?

Here’s an example of propaganda from today’s news here in the USA:

The Liberals have recently saturated their news media outlets with the following photo as proof of President Trump’s failed, heartless immigration policies. . .

The problem is that the photo is not a record of what the Liberals say it is. The truth about the photo is HERE.

Fight against the dazed, confused, and desperate Democrat’s as they try to manipulate your thinking. They are resorting to psychological warfare in order to win the war for your vote.

Register and vote against candidates who condone deception as a tool to promote Democrat/Globalist/Elitist/Socialist ideology.

Stand for truth. Make America Great Again!




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