Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Mar 27, 2018

The Democrat’s historic no-hitting streak has been going since 2008 when they sold Barack Hussein Obama to the American voters.

The DNC is so desperate that they have adopted a “plan” to use kids to lead the nation onward in pursuit of their plan for a Globalist, Socialist America.

Last Valentine’s Day a shooter invaded a Florida high school where he wounded or murdered innocent kids before being captured.

The tragedy was seen by the Democrats as an opportunity . They put into play a plan to prepare the school kids to lead a political effort to oppose the Second Amendment. They chose a couple of kids, David Hogg, and Emma Gonzales, to perform as the leaders of the New Youth Movement, complete with press appearances and nationwide anti-gun marches. After all, who doesn’t like kids? And who would question their wisdom, experience, intellect, and knowledge?

The problem is that kid’s lack the life experience to recognize manipulation. The kids lack the experience to make public policy. The kid’s lack the ability to think critically.

So we get speeches from these children saying things like, “I don’t really care what people who defend the Second Amendment have to say.” — Emma Gonzales, age 17. Or, “. . . our parents don’t know how to use a f***ing democracy so we have to do it.” –David Hogg.

The vulgar, desperate Democrats are primping and pimping these kids for use as promoters of the same old agenda of Globalist/Elitist/Socialist dogma, including the establishment of an unarmed citizenry.

This issue here is the Second Amendment. Liberals want private gun ownership severely restricted, and, eventually eliminated. They stupidly claim the weapon is the problem while ignoring the perpetrator.

The shame continues for the Liberals of the DNC.

Register and vote against Liberal DNC supported candidates in the upcoming mid-term election.




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