Michigan’s Mitt Romney said this about Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign: ” He’s a  phony, a fraud. His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University!”

How can the Utah Republicans support a strongly vocal opponent of the President?. . . maybe they do not intend to support him! The state leader of the Republican party said this about Romney’s announcement: “I think he’s keeping out candidates that would be a better fit for Utah because Mitt Romney doesn’t live here, his kids weren’t born here, he doesn’t shop here. He’s using name recognition to win a seat.” — Rob Anderson

Maybe the state Republicans will be overruled by the national party?

Romney, a tall, dark, handsome Mormon multi-millionaire with a dazzling smile is considered to be a shoo-in,. . . kind of like Hillary was.

He moved to Utah recently (to establish residency for his senate run?) after two unsuccessful runs for the White House.

His new persona features a new openness about his Mormonism. He now speaks openly about his service as a lay pastor in the Mormon Church, recites Scripture to audiences, muses about salvation and the prophet, urges students to marry young and “ have a quiver full of kids ,” and even cracks jokes about Joseph Smith’s polygamy.

Is there a pro-Trump candidate running against Mitt? Maybe. John Dougall is considering announcing his candidacy.

Let’s watch the scramble now beginning for the seat being vacated by retiring Senator Orrin Hatch.




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