Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 29, 2017
Sure, it’s true the only fat man in North Korea is desperately seeking attention by launching nuclear capable intercontinental ballistic missiles at will. And every high-profile heterosexual man in America either has been accused of sexual misbehavior, or is about to be.
But, really, isn’t the Google cheeseburger emoji problem something about which we should all be aware?
What? You are completely unaware?
Well, here’s the deal. Google had this emoji of a cheeseburger on their Android cellphones. . . and THE CHEESE WAS UNDER THE MEAT! [see left below].
While you were distracted by some other less critical news story the CEO of Google put his best Silicon Valley nerds on it and they have fixed the problem [see right below].
Who knows what other issues like this are lurking out there?
Wake up America! The times demand constant vigilance.