Several West coast urban areas are experiencing hepatitis outbreaks caused by the feces of homeless people who have been lured there by bleeding-heart Liberals.

Businesses are beginning to choose locations–other than Portland– where they do not have to worry about their customers stepping in a pile of human waste left on their doorstep during the night.

The Progressive city leaders have addressed the problem by offering the homeless a more secluded place to  defecate. . . in the form of a pilot program where homeless folks can bivouac in people’s back yards!?

So Liberal logic solves a problem with hepatitis and a growing business exodus by asking the working class residents to let the single cause of both problems live in their yards. The response here has to be,”Are you shi**ing me?”

This lunacy is a representative example of what it is to live under Liberal doctrine.

Save your back yard, drain the Swamp, put the homeless back to work, and make America great again by registering and voting against Democrats, Globalists, and RINOs.




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