Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 02, 2017

When deciding to register and to vote it is essential to know what the person pleading for your vote will do if elected.

Here’s a story from today’s news to help for you in assessing the moral character of politicians and their doctrine.

All Democrats follow the established doctrine of the Democratic National Committee, the DNC. Sometimes, often even, that doctrine is fundamentally corrupt. For example. . .

The DNC is currently trying to fill several vacancies in their office staff.

DNC’s Office Manager said the primary desire is for diversity so it EXCLUDES non-homosexual white males from applying.

The internal email (leaked?) continues: “I personally would prefer that you not forward to cisgender straight white males, as they are already in the majority.” (cisgender is a term for people whose chosen gender identity matches their chromosomes.i.e. normal people.)

There you have– flowing downhill from the top of the Democrat political structure– fundamental racism and sexism in its most egregious form.

The Democrats continue to re-brand themselves after their devastating loss in November of 2016. The new brand is looking sexist and racist.

Register and vote in special elections and in the 2018 mid-term elections. Vote against racism and sexism by voting against Democrats.





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