Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 25, 2017

Like all stories having to do with the effects of Liberal Doctrine, this one is sad and nearly unbelievable.

A chap by the name of Sreynuon Lunn is in our country illegally. He has previously been caught, tried, and convicted of crimes and ordered deported.

Obama’s lingering policies have allowed him to stay until someone can convince Cambodia, or Thailand, to take him back. For some yet to be explained reason, he was released from custody recently to roam freely about Boston.

Oh, by the way, this dude is the man who figured heavily in the decision to identify Massachusetts as a “Sanctuary” state.

Recently, while wandering the streets of Boston, he saw a woman in a wheelchair exiting a bank with $2000 cash. He approached her, slapped her, took the cash and fled. Boston P.D. caught him and he is in their custody again.

ICE is trying to decide whether to try and get him from the City of Boston and try to deport him… again.

Why do we have laws protecting scum like Mr. Lunn? Ask the Liberals to explain why it is so difficult to rid the nation of a habitual offender who is not supposed to be here in the first place. Why does the state of Massachusetts protect such malignant parasites?

          [Sreynuon Lunn shown enjoying the freedom of the USA]

Register and vote against Liberal and RINO candidates who have supported such laws as this tragic story illustrates.



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