Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 23, 2017
Some say Hillary used charm and intellect to get to the top of the political heap. Others say her success was due to her firm policy of making “difficulties” disappear. But let’s be frank. Mrs. Clinton was very good at raising money. It was that which took her almost all the way back to the White House. It’s that habit she cannot break!
Well she’s at it again. She’s dancing with them what brung her! For $4,300 she will pose for a photo, or for a measly $1000, you can attend an event for the man running for Governor in New Jersey where Hillary will appear along with Whoopi Goldberg!
NOTE: The dude running for governor has promised to legalize recreational marijuana within the first 100 days of taking office!
PS: The gala affair is closed to the media. What happens there will stay there. Hmmm.
Some Democrats are fuming that their former nominee is returning to the spotlight. Some candidates are saying “Thanks, but no thanks” for her offer to help.