Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Oct 13, 2017

The DNC has sent an emergency notification to the entire mailing list pleading for cash to help stop the horrors that will surely befall America if President Trump’s latest Executive Action is not stopped.

What does the EO accomplish? Well, basically, three things:

  1. Allows small businesses to form associations and purchase plans, thus creating healthy competition and expanding consumer options nationwide. [Place smiley emoji here]!
  2. Reviews establishment of “short-term limited duration insurance,” which would not be subject to Obamacare’s expensive and comprehensive coverage regulations. [Place smiley emoji here]!
  3. Facilitates the offering of health reimbursement accounts allowing more employees of small businesses to get coverage through work. [Place smiley emoji here]!

Notice there are no HORROR emojis in the 3-point plan? That’s because it’s all good!

The President has been patient enough with the Do Nothing Congress and the RINO defector Senators. Obamacare has proven to be a monumental debacle, if not the biggest SNAFU in American history.

“The times they are a changin’.” — Bob Dylan

“Make America Great Again!” –President Donald Trump

“Please send money to help stop America from becoming great again!” –Tom Perez, DNC Chairman. (See below for the social media message from POTUS 45 regarding Perez winning the DNC chair.)




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