Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 22, 2017
Betsy DeVos’ plan to edit Obama’s Title IX regulations to secure protection for both sides of on-campus sexual assault charges ignited a firestorm in Liberal Land. Apparently they want the accused to have no protection from possibly false charges against them.
I think they really despise her because she is so moral, ethical, and pro-American! Those are traits Liberals find disgusting.
She thinks American children should benefit from schools that far exceed the education offered by unionized public schools. She thinks parents should have a choice regarding their kid’s education.
Here’s the point of this post… Sec. DeVos uses her own private jet for official government travel. She never requests use of available government resources. She saves taxpayer dollars!
Register and vote for people like Betsy DeVos who want to make America great again by stopping the globalist initiative to dumb-down our youth with craziness like Common Core.