Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jul 23, 2017
Time-proven Household Hints for men:
Avoid cutting yourself when chopping vegetables by having someone hold them while you chop.
To find a lost item buy a replacement.
Avoid arguments about the toilet seat. Use the sink.
Save on blood pressure medication by cutting yourself and bleeding for a short while every day. Use a clean, sharp knife and a timer. Never forget the timer!
Never be late for work again. Put a mouse trap on top of your clock radio. This will stop you from slapping the snooze button.
For a persistent cough take a triple dose of strong laxative. You will be afraid to cough.
Always have duct tape and WD-40. If something moves that shouldn’t, use the tape. If something should move but doesn’t, use the WD-40.
If you can’t fix a problem with a hammer it is probably an electrical problem.
Use dish washing soap as shampoo. It dissolves ground-in dirt, cuts grease, and loosens stuck-on food.
Go here to view ultra-high resolution images. You can zoom-in practically to the microscopic level.
How many Literalists does it take to change a light bulb? One.
Why did the Merriam-Webster company decide to exclude the word “gullible” from all their dictionaries?
Here is the Holy Bible’s view of people who care nothing about the ways or the judgments of God: “Surely these are poor; foolish; for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgment of their God.” Jeremiah chapter 5, verse 4, KJV
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