Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 24, 2017
So you call yourself a Liberal?
If you are not anti-God you are an Unusual Liberal (UL).
If you don’t believe a Collectivist form of government allows for exemption from all moral consequence you are a UL.
If you don’t believe that the continual accumulation and centralization of all power is the mission statement of Liberalism you are a UL.
If you do not believe that the existence of even one non-totalitarian nation is a threat to global harmony you are a UL.
If you don’t despise the idea of individual moral responsibility you are a UL.
If you don’t view the U.S. Constitution’s focus on individual responsibility and autonomy as your enemy then you’re a UL.
If you don’t view the USA as the nation most needing Constitutional reformation you are a UL.
If you reject the idea that on-demand abortion is essential to sexual freedom and to exemption from all moral consequence you are an unusual Liberal.
If you do not accept the doctrine that any religion which promotes moral responsibility of the individual must be oppressed you are a UL.
If you do not oppose the ownership of firearms by individuals you are a UL.
If you do not reject worship of the Creator in favor of worship of the creation (Environmentalism) you are a UL.
If you are not driven by the need to validate the unspoken assertion that “I care more than you do,” you are a UL.
If you do not believe there are certain “elites” who are rightfully exempt from the rules governing the masses you are a UL.
So, if you discover you are consistently a UL… maybe you are not a Liberal?