Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 23, 2017
DNC chairman Tom Perez sent an urgent email to the entire mailing list today.
He wants everyone to donate at least $3 so they can stop the latest Republican caused disaster from happening.
According to Tom here’s the horrific tragedy about to befall America if everyone doesn’t send him at least $3 today…
“House Republicans … rushed to Donald Trump’s side to celebrate taking health coverage away from 23 million Americans.”— Tom Perez
23 million? According to there are only about 20 million currently enrolled in the ill-conceived, soon to be dead program.
Also, Mr. Perez misses the point that the Republican plan will cover the same folks now enrolled in Obamacare… that is not “taking health coverage away”.
So, since the number was off by 3 million can folks send in $2.60 instead of $3?