Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 22, 2017

The malignant tumor that is Obamacare has been metastasizing since the moment of its inception seven years ago.

Republicans, and the Trump administration (two different things), are trying to apply immediate treatment and follow-up with two more follow-on phases of treatment in hopes of restoring the patient (America).

RINOS and Democrats are trying to prevent the treatment plan from being implemented. They seem to think the problem (Obamacare) is preferable to the proposed solution.

In a nutshell, here’s what the Republican treatment plan involves:

  • Help stabilize collapsing insurance markets that have left millions of Americans with no options.
  • Free the American people from the onerous Obamacare mandates that require them to purchase insurance they don’t want or can’t afford.
  • Improve the affordability of health insurance, which keeps getting more expensive under Obamacare.
  • Preserve access to care for Americans with pre-existing conditions, and allow children to stay on their parents’ health insurance through age 26.
  • Strengthen Medicaid for those who need it most by giving states more flexibility while ensuring that those who rely on this program won’t have the rug pulled out from under them.

Sounds like the better option than Obama’s plan of systemic shutdown and eventual death.




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