Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 20, 2017
Strange things begin to happen when a society embraces Progressive doctrine.
Take the USA for example. Lately we have allowed, welcomed even, the pretension that the human species is no longer defined by a biological law which causes each and every member of the species to be born either as a male (XY chromosomes), or as a female (XX chromosomes).
People are now allowed, regardless of their birth configuration, to determine their own sex by merely declaring which sex they “identify as”. So we have female males and male females running around today.
Here’s the zany part. In Toronto, a women-only spa has decided those folks who identify as women but (still) have male genitals cannot expose those particular parts of their anatomy to other clientele. So they have a new sign…
So, even though the Liberals tell us we can choose our own gender, there is inevitable and immutable evidence to the contrary, especially in the shower room.
Resist and oppose Liberal Doctrine. It is fantasy. It is not consistent with Truth.