Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 05, 2017
A quick excursion on the search engine revealed the time, date, location, acts booked, anticipated crowd size, and some security information for the concert being held to benefit victims of the recent terror attack in Manchester England.
Pretty much all the intelligence a terrorist would need to plan an attack is readily available.
That makes such gatherings a potential battlefield in the war on terror. The problem is that only the terrorists are military combatants. The concertgoers are innocent youngsters being sent into harm’s way by their parents.
For “just” $51 per ticket, plus incidentals, Mom and Dad can send 14-year-old Tiffany to honor the victims of the last Manchester concert.
Here is a thought: We are at war with ISIS. This is wartime. The enemy employs suicide bombing attacks at targets of opportunity no matter where or when. How about NOT sending your kids into danger until after the war is over?
Once everyone is awake to the danger of Islamic terrorism and we annihilate it by uniting under one anti-terrorism banner, then the kids can return to supporting the multi-millionaire boy, and girl, bands.
In wartime things get rationed. In this war we need to ration non-essential mass gatherings of our young people.
Do your job parents!