Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 03, 2017
Either a black robe, or a dark suit with either a red or blue tie and a white shirt. Those are the choices for appropriate business dress for working members of America’s three branches of government.
The Judicial branch prescribes black robes while the Executive and Legislative folks get to wear the suits and ties.
As you know, the Legislative branch makes the Laws. The Executive branch carries-out those laws, while the Judicial branch gets to decide if the Constitution, and other laws, have been properly followed.
So, why are the efforts of the suit-wearing President to carry-out the law being thwarted by robe wearers? Something is wrong here! The judges are running the country!
Immigration numbers are increasing because robe-wearing (non-elected) federal judges are ignoring the law and usurping the President’s lawful authority….
“The President retains the ultimate decision making authority when determining the number of refugees to allow into the country during a given year.” That is what the Law clearly states!
Register and vote against Liberal/Progressive/Democrats who condone judicial activism and overreach.