Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jun 02, 2017
Anything done to denigrate President Trump is OK with the BIGMOUTHS who get rich by “entertaining” us working folks.
So called comedian Kathy Griffin featured herself holding aloft a very lifelike replica of the severed, blood-soaked head of the current President of the United States. The grotesque image went viral. Eleven year-old Barron Trump saw it and thought it was an actual news story.
Pretty much inexcusable, right?
Wrong. It was perfectly appropriate according to six (so far) of Griffin’s 90210 cohorts…
Jim Carrey defended the misdeed as acceptable line-crossing by an upstanding member of the last speakers of Truth… comedians!?
Jamie Foxx said we will laugh with her again. Comedians cross the line.
Larry King said she apologized so let it go.
Comedy writer Mike Lawrence said Griffin should not apologize for getting the reaction she was deliberately looking for.
Rosie O’Donnell said Trump never apologizes but Griffin did, so she should be forgiven.
The photographer who took the awful image said since no one was really killed it was just another photo.
Judge for yourself, and try to imagine the victim’s pre-teen son seeing the photo and thinking it was a current news report. WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGE….
Hollywood Liberals — pardon the redundancy– only have a problem with traditional American Conservatives. Their kind can do no wrong if it is done to MAGA people.