Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 30, 2017
Everyone knows the reason to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico is to control illegal entry into our nation.
Now we have a second equally urgent reason thanks to a threat issued by a former Foreign Minister of Mexico. Basically the threat is to “unleash” Mexican drug cartel terrorists and flood the U.S. with drugs and violence.
Now we will look stupid for two reasons if we do not build the wall.
Fortunately President Trump has set already set his plan to build the wall– at Mexico’s expense– in motion.
America sends Mexico a half-billion dollars of cash every year in the form of “aid”. So, even if the wall costs as much as a billion bucks, a couple of years of diverting that aid to cover costs of wall construction and it’s a done deal!
The wall will virtually stop illegal entry and drug traffic. Walls work!