Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 29, 2017

Most Americans, who are sufficiently aware of their world, believe that the Supreme Court made it legal to kill unborn babies.THAT IS NOT TRUE!

It has never been illegal to kill an unborn baby in America. The Constitution contains nothing forbidding the murder of unborn babies. That was confirmed by the Supreme Court in a case known as Roe v. Wade. So in 1973 the way was opened for the Constitutionally sanctioned slaughter (60-million + so far) of unborn human beings!

It was social custom, not law, that made it unacceptable for a mother-to-be, or anyone else, to intentionally terminate her pregnancy.

Up until 44 years ago no proper medical person would participate in killing unborn babies. Not because abortion was illegal, but because it was historically condemned by society as being “w-r-o-n-g.

Chuck Baldwin shines some light on the abortion debate by comparing abortion to slavery.

The Supreme Court ruled, in 1857, that Blacks were “... so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the Negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery …” That court action was called he Dred-Scott Decision and it opened the way for the Constitutionally sanctioned buying and selling of human beings!

See the similarity between blacks to slavery and unborn babies to abortion? Hint: They both were deemed by the Court to be excluded from Constitutional protection based upon their non-personhood!

So how was the Dred-Scott decision overturned? Why did slavery again become unacceptable after the Civil War? Did the Supreme Court change their position on Dred-Scott? NO!

NOW GET THIS… it took an amendment to the Constitution to make slavery unlawful, to stop the practice.

The solution to both problems lies not with the Supreme Court, but with the Congress. They are the only ones who can change the Constitution.

Conclusion: We need an amendment to the Constitution to grant Constitutional protection to the unborn to end abortion-on-demand, just as the Blacks needed an amendment to end slavery. IT IS NOT AN ISSUE FOR THE SUPREME COURT!

Happy Sunday. Now contact your Congressperson!



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