Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 26, 2017

Some federal departments have grown accustomed to promoting the Liberal political agenda in ways well-beyond their pay grades.

The new Administration has taken action to stop stuff like the unabashed promotion of the GW/CC agenda by folks at the Dept. of Agriculture talking about cow farts, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) giving grants only to folks who worship at the altar of Global Warming and Climate Change.

The gag orders seem like a good idea while investigations into inappropriate politically motivated activity are underway. If nothing out-of-order is found then the gag order will be lifted. Fair enough.

But the DNC doesn’t see it as fair: “Donald doesn’t mean anything that he says. He’s not giving the government back to the people — he’s holding it hostage to the whims of his own fact-free reality. And it’s apparent that Republicans in Congress don’t care and aren’t going to hold him accountable.” — from current DNC email to subscribers.

Wow! If you form your opinions from DNC emails here’s what you will conclude about these gag orders: 1) Trump is untrustworthy. 2) Trump breaks his promises. 3) Trump is holding the US government hostage. 4) Trump lives in a fact-free world. 5) Republicans don’t care what Trump does.

The DNC can be characterized by libel, slander, disrespect, incivility, discourtesy, impoliteness, and rudeness. What happened to loyal opposition with mutual respect? When did the Democrats stoop to schoolyard name-calling?

Good things are happening in Washington, but the Liberals are opposing every step of the way to making America great again.



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