Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 25, 2017
The motto of the NY Times is, “All the news that’s fit to print.” What they don’t add, but should, is, “… with a Left spin.”
3 examples from today’s issue:
President Trump has declared his intention to investigate illegal voting in the 2016 election.The Times reports it this way, “Trump reasserted a false claim of cheating.” (A false claim? They claim to know there was actually no cheating and they call Trump a liar?)
In a story about Trump’s campaign promise to restore immigration to its original, lawful process and illegal aliens will be dealt with according to those laws. The Times cites “revenge against Trump” as the acceptable goal for those facing the end of their unlawful residence in America. (Is revenge against the President for enforcing the law acceptable?)
In an article about Trump’s “impulses”, the Times portrays the President as, “Impetuous and instinctive, convinced of broad but hidden plots to undermine him, eager to fight… He sits at night, watching television or reading social media, and through Twitter issues instant judgments. He channels fringe ideas... he thrives on conflict and chaos.” (They portray the President as a paranoid, twitchy, non-thinking rabble rouser).
Do such biased characterizations of the President in any way constitute “…news that’s fit to print”?