Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 24, 2017

When a group’s leader goes away there is an immediate series of events which steadily grow in fervor until that vacancy is filled.

Speaking of the DNC ,one of the groups fervently seeking to fill the vacant chairman’s seat is The Socialists, aka Bernie Sanders supporters.

In California Uncle Bernie’s people recently won 650 out of 1,120 delegate seats. These are the folks who will choose the replacement for DNC chairperson Donna Brazile (who leaked questions to Hillary before the debates), who was the replacement for Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (who resigned because she got caught helping to harpoon Bernie so Hillary could get the nomination.)

Kalifornia is not the only state where Sanders backers are invigorated. Florida, Iowa, Colorado and Michigan are also seeing a Socialist Stirring (SS).

Democrats are adrift in heavy Conservative seas and they have no one at the helm!

Let’s watch as Socialism sweeps under the rocks to gather voters to keep the DNC chair from Black Supremacist/anti-Semite Keith Ellison.

What a contest! A Jew-hating Black Supremacist against a Socialist.



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