Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 21, 2017

The Women’s March on Washington yesterday is being portrayed in the establishment press as a spectacular success which proves the dividedness of America.

The rally was decorated with silly signs carried by people wearing silly pink hats they call “Pussy Hats”, saying things like: “His hands are too small, He can’t build a wall!”, or, “No Trump, no KKK, no more racist USA!”, or, “Girls Rule!”

The event was meant to show America’s dividedness. So if it was successful then America must be divided. Divided about what?

Trump became President by announcing; qualifying; campaigning; winning the nomination; and getting a sufficient number of popular votes to accrue far more Electoral votes than required by law to become President. He is the President and that cannot be “protested”.

The only way Trump’s presidency could be denied would have been to have voted for Hillary, which far too few Americans (or should I say voters) did.

In November of 2020 all those pussy-hatted women can go to the polls and vote for whoever the DNC comes up with.

But until then it’s all just opinions.

A pussy hat.

Pattern for pussy hat?





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