Struggling to keep the historically disastrous law known as Obamacare intact, soon-to-be ex-president Obama has claimed 20M folks will be left without coverage if the centerpiece of his “legacy” is repealed.

FACT: Since implementation the actual number of previously non-covered folks has risen, not by 20-million, but by 2.2 million!

The actual number of new customers is 14M, not 20M. Then Barry continues the deception by including in that 14M the 11.8M people who were made eligible for the already existing Medicaid program (not Obamacare). That leaves 2.2M actual subscribers to the new Obamacare.

FACT: Not one person will be left without coverage. Those 2.2M Obamacare subscribers will simply choose from new, better coverage plans.

Sorry Obama. Your argument against repealing the Affordable Care Act is contrary to reality. It, like you, is going away.



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