Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 14, 2017

John Lewis is an otherwise sensible man, son of a Georgia sharecropper, who bears battle scars from the civil rights fight in the 60’s. He is a high-ranking member of the Democrat political community. But…

Yesterday when asked if he planned to seek a good working relationship with Trump he claimed he does not consider Trump’s presidency to be legitimate.

Here is the subtle malignancy of Liberal Doctrine.  The Liberals are so enchanted with their agenda to transform America that they are desperately denying the validity of the process by which Trump became President, the very same process by which every one of America’s presidents has been elected.

Liberals have sacrificed truth in favor of their agenda. Now they are abandoning reason too. They are desperate people, in disarray, without cohesive leadership, shocked by the loss of an election they were certain they had bought and paid for.

The DNC will surely escalate the dirty tricks as Jan. 20 grows nearer. Every effort, legitimate and criminal, will be put into play in an effort to somehow keep Trump out of the White House. (If you are doubtful about this go here and have a look.)

Watch closely. The very foundation of America’s legacy is under attack by the Liberal/Globalist/Socialist/Progressives/Elitists/Mainstream Media.

Bless God America.

[Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)]


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