Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 13, 2017
Fiscal Year 2017 is not yet 3-months old and Obama’s administration has collected $740B from taxpayers (that’s about $247B a month collected). He should be able to run the country on that amount, but no, he has spent $949B in the same 3-month period (that’s about $316B a month spent!
In his farewell speech he said the economy was good.
The only way the economy is good is if you have a printing press and the freedom to print as much (worthless) money as you want.
When Barack Hussein moved his family and his killer attack dog into the White House (which was built by slaves according to the first ah…lady!) the national debt was about $10T. After 8-years of his management that debt has doubled to near $20T!
Liberal Doctrine allows for the maudlin spectacle that was Obama’s farewell speech. Facts, like those shown above, have no role in the Liberal Agenda to Fundamentally Transform America (LAFTA).
Obama is leaving but the DNC is staying. Stay alert. They will say, or not say, anything to fulfill their heinous agenda.