Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 12, 2017

Code Pink (see photo) is an American women’s political action group. For the last 15-years they have focused on things like “Grassroots peace and social justice; ending U.S.-funded wars and occupations; challenging militarism globally; and diverting such efforts more toward health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities.”

They demonstrated yesterday at the Senate confirmation hearings for the incoming administration’s Attorney General nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions. It seems they are concerned that Sessions would not be friendly toward their goals. Here are a few examples of their goals:

  • The group’s leader is a vocal supporter of Venezuelan Dictator Hugo Chavez, who has dragged the nation to the brink of collapse with classical Socialist tactics. Hmm.
  • The group routinely portrays America as a civilian-killing war criminal. Hmm.
  • Code Pink folks are anti-Israel. They promote the establishment of national Palestine, work closely with terrorist groups, and oppose America’s war on ISIS.Hmm.
  • They oppose the right of Americans to keep and bear arms. Hmm.
  • They oppose America’s effort to stop Syria from using chemical weapons on their own citizens. Hmm.

Hopefully the Code Pink ladies of Liberalism are correct about Sen. Sessions not being supportive of their Liberal agenda. Hopefully he will be confirmed to serve as America’s Attorney General under President Donald J. Trump!



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