Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 11, 2017

Every event Black activist Al Sharpton shows-up for he ties to race even if it has nothing to do with the immediate issue. That sounds like racism.

In Sen. Session’s confirmation hearing yesterday Sharpton spewed his edited version of the “facts” accusing Sessions of being racist.

Sharpton said Sessions interfered with a 1986 FBI investigation involving voting rights. The truth is that the Justice Dept. was in error in 1986 regarding which Senator tried to stop that investigation… it was not Sessions, it was a Democrat Senator!

Then, according to Sharpton’s “facts”, Sessions once targeted some Blacks regarding voter fraud. What actually happened was Sessions did prosecute some Blacks for voter fraud. The victims of that fraud were also Blacks! No racism there.

Reverend Al says his newly formed protest group, “We Shall Not Be Moved“, will do everything possible, including civil disturbance, to impede the Trump presidency.

Watch Al,” a political radical who is to blame, in part, for the deterioration of race relations”, excuse himself from the interview when his “facts” are challenged…



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