Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 08, 2017
Evolution places man as the highest being in the universe with no one over him to tell him what is right, wrong, good, or bad.
When one’s individual freedoms remove the freedoms of other individuals society must then step-in and limit freedoms. The State becomes the sovereign authority.
As a matter of historical fact, America was not founded upon a model of Evolution, but upon the model of God ruling over Man as the Creator, as the Declaration of Independence states: “… all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”.
Since her founding America has moved away from God toward the only other intellectual life view, Evolution. Godlessness has become America’s rule of life.
In today’s America Christianity is viewed by many as an impediment to social progress. It is a fundamental tenet of Liberal Doctrine that the State is the sole determinate of what is right and wrong. Liberals view God as a harmful element in social progress, best forbidden from all government activity. They call this “separation of church and state”.
America, founded as a Christian nation, was once great. She no longer is great because she has gone from Godly to godless in the name of keeping Church separate from State.
We have thrown-out the baby with the bathwater and it has cost us our greatness. When Jefferson suggested the separation of church and state he did not intend for America to fall into godlessness. He only meant that the government ought not have the power to dictate which religion a citizen must follow. Jefferson never meant we should exchange Godliness for Evolution.
God promises to forgive our sin and heal our land if we will humble ourselves and pray, seek his face and turn from our wicked ways. [II Chronicles 7:14].