Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Jan 02, 2017
The Liberals are using straw men and red herrings to impede the proper transition of power to Donald Trump.
They say Russia has been wrongfully influencing America’s political process. Obama says the Russians have been hacking into computer accounts for a year-and-a half now. Well, if he knew, why did he do nothing about it until now? There is no proof of hacking but he decides to punish Russia by kicking 35 Russian diplomats out of the country. That creates friction for the transition. A diversion tactic.Bad for the nation.
The DNC tried to sidetrack the transition by claiming Hillary won the popular vote and should therefor be President! Wat, what? NO U.S. PRESIDENT HAS EVER BEEN ELECTED BY WINNING THE POPULAR VOTE! Another diversion tactic. Bad for the nation.
Now there is talk of Obama using an act of desperation to get a Liberal into the vacant Supreme Court seat. Tomorrow at noon D.C. time the 114th Congress will be discharged into the history books and, after a five-minute recess, the 115th Congress will be sworn-in. During that 5-minute recess, when Congress is not in session, Obama may announce the court vacancy is officially filled! Another diversion tactic that will only necessitate a drawn-out legal battle. Bad for the nation.
Democrats seem to care more about their agenda than they do for law and order.
Watch closely tomorrow at High Noon D.C. time. Is the DNC that desperate… that deplorable? Do they really not care what is best for America? Stay tuned.