Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 16, 2016

The Fraternal Order of Aardvarks is structured as a pure Democracy. The 64 members vote for a new Grand Poo Paw Wizard by secret ballot and the person who gets the most votes wins.

That is not how the United States of America is structured. We are a Representative Republic, not a Democracy.

38 days ago, on Tuesday Nov.8, 136,908,017 people in America voted for a new President. 45.99% of those people voted for Trump. 48.07% voted for Clinton. 7.92% voted for someone else. If this was the Aardvarks Lodge, a pure Democracy, Clinton would be President because she received the most member’s votes.

This ain’t The Aardvarks Lodge! In America voters are represented by Electors from each state. The more voters a state has the more Electors they have. There are 538 total Electors, to win an election requires winning 270 (269 + 1) of those. 270 Electoral votes is like the finish line of the race.

The 45.99% of votes Trump won are represented by 306 Electors.

The 48.07% of votes Clinton won are represented by 232 Electors.

Trump crossed the Finish Line (won more than 270 Electoral votes) so he wins.

Clinton did not cross the Finish Line so she loses.

If no one crosses the Finish Line then the House of Representatives chooses the new President.

Clinton forces (Democrats) are trying to adjust the data (aka to cheat) to say Trump did not cross the Finish Line.

Corruption, deceit, lies, and criminal treachery are the tools of the Democrat’s Liberal Doctrine. Those tools are being used feverishly this weekend. The final vote of the Electors takes place Monday, Dec. 19!



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