Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Dec 14, 2016

37 and 38 are the numbers that Liberals think can potentially overturn Trump’s victory.

If Liberals can convince 37 Electoral College electors to vote against Trump (even though they are legally sworn to vote for him) then the House of Representatives will choose the next President. This is Plan A. It faces two monumental problems: #1. There is one week left to convince 36 more electors to not vote for Trump. #2. If the House is asked to choose the new President it will be Trump.

Plan B is to convince 38 electors to vote for Hillary which would give her the necessary 270 electoral votes to become POTUS. This plan faces the same impossible obstacles as Plan A plus two additional insurmountable obstacles: #1.All 37 of the Plan A electors must be convinced not simply to vote for anybody but Trump, but to vote specifically for Hillary. #2. One additional elector must be convinced to vote for Hillary.

Historically, electors have never gone rogue in significant numbers (like 37 or 38). The punishment for breaking their pledge is not prescribed in the Constitution. Faithless (rogue) electors can be fined or censured by their individual state legislatures.

Liberals have zero chance of realizing either Plan.

They had best put all their eggs in the “The Russians interfered with the election!” basket. That plan too has no chance of success.

Desperate, disoriented, and pathetic, the DNC is thrashing-about wildly in a blind effort to grasp a lifeline.

Let them drown.



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