Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Nov 19, 2016
Every election reveals the current boundaries of political dominance.
Last week we witnessed a startling revelation of demarcation by politics in America.
Here is a pair of maps, prepared by the New York Times, showing the two political nations which exist from sea to shining sea… (the white spaces represent Republican America [left map], and Liberal Democrat America [right map])
Most Liberals live in big cities and in coastal areas. Something about large bodies of water and congested overcrowding seems to appeal to Liberal Democrats?
Up to now Americans have always honored the results of elections.
But in our day it seems the two maps may be more than simple demographic illustration.
Disgruntled Liberals are calling for rejection of the winners on Tuesday Nov.8. Liberals are calling-for Electoral College members to “go unfaithful” (to illegally vote contrary to the expressed will of the People).
Message from Conservatives to Liberals: Suck it up Buttercup! You lost just like we did in 2008 and 2012. We lived with it. We used the system to set things right on Nov. 8, 2016. Use the system (law and order) to fix what you are unhappy about. Don’t sob and blabber like babies. Don’t advocate for violence and anarchy. Get over it and get busy being responsible, law-abiding citizens of the United States of America! Remember…Civil War has no winners.