The National Defense Authorization Act, NDAA ,is an annual bill that has passed every year for over 50 years straight. The bill covers troop pay, the size of the Army, and the legal authority for assisting other countries who are fighting the Islamic State.

The first responsibility of the federal government is to secure the safety of America. In order to defend against threats foreign and domestic Obama’s 8-year plan has been to make the U.S. military smaller and weaker. The readiness level of all military branches is at the lowest level since before WWII!

Obama is threatening to veto the NDAA and return it to Congress for editing unless they remove a religious freedom clause.

This is the same President who is facing questions about why he does not include Christians in the Syrian refugee effort which gives refuge to none but young, military age Islamic males.

Obama is reluctant to sign an act that funds armed opposition to forces of Islam.

Obama also wants to offer refuge exclusively to Islamic males.

Notice a trend?



There is no reason to expect Hillary to change Obama’s policies. In fact she promises to increase Islamic refugees by 500%! They are both anti-Christian and pro-Globalism.

Vote to save America from continuing Obama’s utterly failed policies. Vote against Hillary, or her replacement, by voting for Trump-Pence! God bless America.




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