Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Sep 11, 2016
Hillary has the ability to raise $140M a month from donors. It’s a talent unique to her and Slick Willie. People want access to the President. Hillary sells “Payable to Bearer On Demand” certificates which can be redeemed for access to her in the Oval Office. If her presidency is stillborn then those Certificates are worthless.
If the DNC, George Soros, big-shot CEO’s, Hollywood, mainstream media, e.t al. can’t keep her from becoming physically unable to continue campaigning, that income stream collapses when she does.
The cash cow that is Hillary Clinton is essential to fund tv time for attack ads against her opponent, who is then forced to raise and spend millions on his own ads fighting back. The issues never get discussed.
This is not how our forefathers intended our Representative Republic (that’s right, America is NOT a democracy) to work. Whoever produces and broadcasts the most vicious propaganda commercials wins the presidency?
“The medium is the message!” –Marshall McLuhan.
Register and vote against Sick Crooked Hillary (or her replacement). Vote to save America. Vote Conservative!