Which problem would you rather do away with, Global Warming, or Islamic Terrorism?

Global Warming has caused the following problems in America:

Islamic Terrorism has caused the following problems in America:
1. 1968. Robert Kennedy assassinated by Islamic man.
2. 1972 Munich Olympics. Israeli athletes kidnapped and slaughtered by Islamic terrorists.
3. 1972 Pan Am 747 hijacked and diverted to Cairo where an onboard bomb was detonated by Islamic terrorists.
4. 1973. Rome. Pan Am 707 destroyed with passengers aboard by Muslim terrorists.
5. 1979. Iran. U.S. embassy taken by force by Islamic terrorists.
6. 1980’s. Lebanon. Numerous American citizens kidnapped by Islamic terrorists.
7. 1983. Beirut. Marine barracks destroyed by Islamic terrorists.
8. 1985. Cruise ship hijacked by Islamic terrorists. 70-year old wheelchair bound man thrown overboard.
9. 1985. Athens. TWA flight hijacked by Islamic terrorists. USN diver killed in rescue attempt.
10. 1988. Pan Am flight bombed by Muslim males.
11. 1993. N.Y. World Trade Center bombed by Islamic terrorists.
12. 1998. U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania bombed by Islamic terrorists.
13. 2001. four aircraft hijacked by Islamic terrorists and used as missiles on U.S. targets.
14. 2002. Afghanistan. U.S. troops engage in war against Muslim forces.
15. 2002. American newsman kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
16. 2005. Ft. Hood Texas.Muslim male shoots 43 American soldiers, 13 die.
17. 2013. Boston. Two Muslim males bomb a marathon race. 4 killed. 264 injured.
18. 2015. California. Muslim man and wife kill 14 and wound 22 Americans.
19. 2016. Florida. Muslim male kills 49 and wounds 53 Americans in a neighborhood bar.
For more problems caused by Islamic terrorists see HERE.

[Thanks to The Two Minute Conservative].

Barack Hussein Obama has never mentioned the phrase “Islamic terrorism”. But he has said repeatedly that Global Warming is America’s biggest threat. Which of these two lists is he using?

Register and vote against Crooked Hillary who has promised to continue and expand Obama’s agenda to fundamentally transform America. Vote to save America!



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