In case you aren’t convinced of the importance of the upcoming election.

Saul Alinsky’s 8-steps from a Representative Republic (Democracy) to a Socialist Oligarchy:

1. Control healthcare. – DONE!

2. Maximize the poverty level because poor people are easy to control by regulated entitlements. – DONE!

3. Maximize the National Debt so poverty can be controlled by taxation.- DONE!

4. Remove the individual’s ability to defend themselves. This gives the government armed forces total control. – ALMOST THERE, HILLARY PROMISES TO WORK HARD ON IT!

5. Influence or control every aspect of the people’s lives. (Food, Clothing, Housing, Health Care, Education, and Employment). – DONE!

6. Take control of what People read, write, watch, listen to, and talk about; take control of school curriculums. – DONE!

7. Disallow the exercise of faith in God from all public activity. – DONE!

8. Divide the People by economic status. This will create discontent and popular demand for the redistribution of wealth. – DONE!



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