The governor of Indiana recently signed a bill into law which forbids the killing of an unborn baby for the sole reason of genetic anomalies (Down Syndrome), sex, or race.

Hillary Clinton is outraged and claims she will, as President, fight for every mother’s right to have her unborn baby killed without giving a reason.

The ACLU has filed a suit to overturn the law. Mrs. Clinton commented publically:
“I will defend a woman’s right to make her own health-care decisions. I’ll tell ya, I’ll defend Planned Parenthood against these attacks. And I commend the women of this state, young and old, for standing up against this governor and this legislature.”

Hillary has not explained how the decision to kill an unborn baby, healthy or not, is a “health care decision”.

Clinton said unborn children simply do not have any Constitutional rights,including the right to life.

Clinton has said more taxpayer money needs to go to Planned Parenthood. She demonstrated her unyielding commitment to abortion and Planned Parenthood saying she would be the abortion business’ president. “I will always defend Planned Parenthood and I will say consistently and proudly, Planned Parenthood should be funded, supported and protected.”

At a Drake University forum Clinton said ending the life of another human being is a “fundamental human right.”

Register and vote to protect all human life, from the first spark* of life in the womb, to the last breath on the death bed.

* Scientists have learned how to observe this beginning-of-life spark. . .



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