Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - May 02, 2016
The often quoted statistic that women earn 77 cents for every dollar men earn is a compelling story that proves the prevailing workplace discrimination against women… right?
Wrong. It’s untrue. Actually women in their 20s are paid better than men—by 8 cents on the dollar, and 72 percent of women overall say they have the same opportunities to advance in their companies as men. Women are as likely as men to become company managers.
It is true that men earn more than women [but not for the same job]. It is also true that men hold more executive positions [because fewer women pursue those jobs].
Rather than pitting men and women against each other [like Hillary Clinton does in her current campaign] by distorting statistics to portray women as victims, we ought to acknowledge that women and men are not the same and do not make the same career choices.
Many women with children prefer not to work full time. This naturally diminishes advancement opportunities, and can decrease wages. Only 40% of women who take extended family leave re-enter full-time work!
Liberal and Socialist doctrine refuses to admit the verifiable statistics that show women work less per day than men, and do not consider it a priority to seek higher pay, more responsibility, and longer hours at work.
Hillary and Bernie both make a big deal out this issue. They distort the truth to create an opportunity to joust with the windmill that they call “Equal Pay for Women”, or “Wage Equality”.
It’s all smoke and mirrors but the deception is effective as a vote getter.
[thanks to Penny Young Nance, author of “Feisty and Feminine: A Rallying Cry for Conservative Women”.]Register and vote against the distortion of truth by Liberals/Socialists.