Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 23, 2016
Common core is the set of educational standards for American children funded by Bill Gates, the very same man who is pushing GMOs, vaccines and other New World Order (NWO) Agenda 21-style schemes.
In another example of blatant doublespeak, the clandestine restructuring of society is code-named “Common Core State Standards”.
Written by the international elite, Common Core first came onto the scene in 2009, after Barack Hussein arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The deception-based program is the dream of NWO manipulators to replace the family with the State, a plan laid out in novels such as Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. [Thanks to]
Here is a video of a foot-soldier from the Common Core army explaining how young people must be trained to not be so concerned about right and wrong, truth and error, and, instead, focus on believing whatever they want so long as they can show how they chose to accept that belief…
Kids in the New World Order can have 5+6= whatever, if they can “explain how, in their belief system, they identify with that answer.”
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