America went from non-existence to the most powerful nation on Earth in a mere 150-years. One contributor to her success is/was the governmental concept of Advise and Consent. The concept serves to moderate the power of one branch of government by requiring the concurrence of another branch for selected actions.

Barack Hussein Obama finds the policy distracting and wholly dispensable.
Today at United Nations Headquarters John Kerry and representatives of over 130 nations will sign the Climate Change agreement.

Obama has proclaimed this “historic agreement” will “hold every country accountable” if they fail to meet its carbon emission targets. He has also acknowledged that the agreement contains “legally binding” provisions that will be law for the United States and signatory countries.

And, finally, the President formerly known as Barry Soetoro, has proclaimed he will not submit the Agreement to the Senate for advice and consent!

This is a breach of Article II Section 2 of the Constitution, and the GOP controlled Congress is lawfully obliged to stop the outrageous action.

Register and vote to stop the reign of Liberal Doctrine in America.



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