Posted in Uncategorized by Baba - Apr 21, 2016
The Liberal administration needed a vacancy on one of America’s commonly used denominations of paper currency.
To create the vacancy they have decided to move Andrew Jackson from the front of the $20 bill to the back.
At the age of 13 Jackson fought for American liberty in the Revolutionary War.
As a heroic military leader he commanded such men as Sam Houston and David Crockett.
He served honorably as a Congressman and a Senator.
He lost a campaign for President in 1824, but in 1828 he became America’s 7th president..
As a matter of principle (an unpopular move regarding vote getting and staying alive–he was the first president to experience an assassination attempt) Jackson succeeded in defeating efforts to advance the centralization of banks. He won re-election in 1832.
He was a strong anti-secessionist and believed slavery was a matter for each state to decide for themselves without talk of seceding from the union.
So, as administration Liberals searched for someone to dishonor they settled on the man who devoted his life to preserving states-rights and opposing centralized banking, two issues in strict opposition to Liberal Doctrine. Hmmm.
History repeats itself, they say. Watch the video…
Register and vote to oppose the revision of American history.